Importance of Gas Safety Certificates

The Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998 deal with landlord’s duties to make sure gas appliances, fittings and flues provided for tenants are safe.

Maintenance: pipework, appliances and flues must be maintained in a safe condition and be accessible for inspection at all times. New regulations came into effect in January 2013 that requires gas flues to be inspected by a registered gas safe engineer. No visual access can result in the boiler being shut down / off and classified as ‘at risk’ by the engineer.

Gas appliances should be serviced in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and serviced annually by a Gas Safe registered engineer.

The frequency of Gas safety checks: a 12 monthly gas safety check must be carried out on every gas appliance / flue and a record of the annual gas safety check must be provided to tenants within 28 days of the check in being completed.

With any new tenancy; the certificate must be made available prior to the tenants moving in. Landlords are obliged to keep copies of the gas safety record for two years.